We know that IDSTEM is many people's first conference experience and want you to feel prepared and confident in every step of the research poster process!


Have questions about submitting, making, or presenting a poster? Join us for the virtual Pre-Conference Poster Workshop Series led by graduate students and postdocs in various STEM fields!

Wednesday January 31st, 4:30 p.m. - How to Write an Abstract with Jessica Lammert 
Thursday February 15th, 4:30 p.m. - How to Make a Poster with Oren Princz Lebel
Thursday February 29th, 4:30 p.m. - How to Give a Poster Presentation with Amanda Odoi, PhD

Register is now closed.

These workshops are open to all! You are not required to attend the workshops to present at IDSTEM nor are you required to present at IDSTEM to attend.